Our Team

NATCAN Executive Team

Dr Julie Nossiter Director of Operations, NATCAN

Clinical Effectiveness Unit, RCSeng & Assistant Professor of Health Services Research, LSHTM
Professor David Cromwell Director, Clinical Effectiveness Unit, RCSeng

Professor of Health Services Research, LSHTM
Professor Kate Walker Senior Statistician, NATCAN

Clinical Effectiveness Unit, RCSeng & Professor of Medical Statistics, LSHTM
Professor Jan van der Meulen Senior Clinical Epidemiologist, NATCAN

Clinical Effectiveness Unit, RCSeng & Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, LSHTM
Professor Ajay Aggarwal Clinical Director, NATCAN

Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Trust, London & Professor, LSHTM
Ms Verity Walker Project Manager, NATCAN

Clinical Effectiveness Unit, RCSeng


Neil Mortensen Chair Royal College of Surgeons of England
Dr Ajay Aggarwal NATCAN Clinical Director Royal College of Surgeons of England
Anthony Davies Cancer Lead Welsh Government
Brian Rous National Director of Tumour Classification National Disease Registration Service (NDRS)
Caroline Rogers Associate Director Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP)
David Cromwell NATCAN Executive Team (Director of the CEU) Royal College of Surgeons of England, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Deborah Robinson Transformation Lead NHS Cancer Programme
Jan van der Meulen NATCAN Executive Team (Senior Clinical Epidemiologist) Royal College of Surgeons of England, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
John Dean Clinical Vice President Royal College of Physicians
Julie Nossiter NATCAN Executive Team (Director of Operations) Royal College of Surgeons of England, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Kate Walker NATCAN Executive Team (Senior Statistician) Royal College of Surgeons of England, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Peter Johnson National Clinical Director for Cancer NHS Cancer Programme
Richard Morris Cancer Information Manager Wales Cancer Network (WCN)
Richard Simcock Chief medical officer Macmillan Cancer Support
Sarah Walker Project Manager Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership
Sue Denmark Chair RCSEng Patient & Public group (PPG)
Tom Roques Vice President Royal College of Radiologists
Verity Walker NATCAN Project Manager Royal College of Surgeons of England

Last updated: 12 June 2024, 8:26am