National Kidney Cancer Audit

Welcome to the National Kidney Cancer Audit (NKCA).

Kidney cancer is the seventh most common type of cancer in the UK and there have been some important advances in its treatment over the last few years. But we know there can be further improvements, and the results generated by this new audit will help us to deliver that successfully across the country.

The audit process will look at diagnosis and treatment, and how patients are managed. Cancer services obviously need to have the right support and expertise in order to provide the best possible care. One of the clinical co-leads on this audit, Amit Bahl, says it will help to identify significant gaps. You can hear more of his thoughts here:

Dr Amit Bahl, Clinical Lead (Oncology), National Kidney Cancer Audit

The new National Kidney Cancer Audit will be able to learn from existing national cancer audits.  We’ve seen the improvements they have been able to make in treatment and outcomes for patients.

Kidney cancer charities also hope a national audit can help identify new areas for research and provide better information for patients, with the aim of allowing them to live longer healthier lives.

Andrew Greaves, General Manager at Kidney Cancer UK

The clinical leads for NKCA, who will help to ensure it is focussing on the right questions, are as follows:

  • Professor Amit Bahl, Clinical Lead (Oncology), representing the British Uro-oncology Group (BUG).
  • Professor Grant Stewart, Clinical Lead (Urology), representing the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS).

This page will be updated regularly and we intend to keep everyone informed as fully as possible.

Want to find out more? Reach out to us via email

Email: [email protected]